Labuan, has a unique way of celebrating Chap Goh Mei Celebration since long history ago and has become a yearly event at this beautiful and peaceful Island.
The event is organised by Sin Ong Kong Temple Labuan. The highlight of the event is the devotees will prepare to carry the Temple God and parade from one station to another station (total 4 stations) around Sungai Keling villages to do blessing, bring goodness and prosperity to the community.
Each station has foods offering, giant joss sticks, burning incense, fireworks display, and the most exciting part is the lion dance performance.
The parade will start at 6.30pm to 12.00am.
Want to explore more about Labuan’s Chap Goh Mei parade celebration? Come and experience the celebration with friends and families on the stated date.
You can check out Sin Ong Kong Temple Labuan Facebook for more information.